The universities of Calgary and Alberta are renowned for producing high-quality research. This page is dedicated to showcasing some of this research and the people behind it.
Dr. Paul Barclay has done research in areas such as optomechanics and diamond vacancies. He runs the IQST Quantum Nanophotonics Lab at the University of Calgary and is a member of the Institute for Quantum Science and Technology.
Selected Publications Coming Soon.
Dr. John P. Davis specializes in Cryogenics and Nanomechanics. He heads the Davis Lab at the University of Alberta. He is the Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Resolved Instruments, Inc.
Selected Publications:
Stabilized Pair Density Wave via Nanoscale Confinement of Superfluid 3He, A.J. Shook, V. Vadakumbatt, P. Senarath Yapa, C. Doolin, R. Boyack, P.H. Kim, G.G. Popowich, F. Souris, H. Christani, J. Maciejko, and J.P. Davis, under review (2019).
Elimination of Thermomechanical Noise in Piezoelectric Optomechanical Crystals, H. Ramp, B. D. Hauer, K.C. Balram, T.J. Clark, K. Srinivasan and J.P. Davis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 093603 (2019).
Approaching the Standard Quantum Limit of Mechanical Torque Sensing, P. H. Kim, B. D. Hauer, C. Doolin, F. Souris and J.P Davis, Nat. Commun. 7, 13165 (2016).
Dr. Ray Decorby specializes in optical cavities and the fabrication of microphotonic devices. He runs the Integrated Optics Lab at the University of Alberta. His current research is focused on integrated hollow (air core) waveguides.
Selected Publications:
Cooperativity enhancement in buckled-dome microcavities with omnidirectional claddings, S. Al-Sumaidae, M. H. Bitarafan, C. A. Potts, J.P. Davis, and R.G. DeCorby, Opt. Express 26, 11201-11212 (2018).
Small-mode-volume, channel-connected Fabry-Perot microcavities on a chip, Mohammad H. Bitarafan and Ray G. DeCorby, Appl. Opt. 56, 9992-9997 (2017).
Tunable open-access microcavities for on-chip cavity quantum electrodynamics, C.A. Potts, A. Melnyk, H. Ramp, M.H. Bitarafan, D. Vick, L.J. LeBlanc, J.P. Davis, and R.G. DeCorby, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 041103 (2016)
Dr. Lindsay Leblanc specializes in ultracold atoms and ultra-high vacuum systems. She heads the Ultracold Quantum Gases Laboratory at the University of Alberta. She is the Canada Research Chair in Ultracold Gases for Quantum Simulation.
Selected Publications:
Discerning quantum memories based on electromagnetically-induced-transparency and Autler-Townes-splitting protocols, A. Rastogi, E. Saglamyurek, T. Hrushevskyi, S. Hubele, and L.J. LeBlanc, Phys. Rev. A 100, 012314 (2019)
Microwave Rabi resonances beyond small-signal regime, A. Tretiakov and L.J. LeBlanc, Phys. Rev. A 99, 043402 (2019)
Coherent storage and manipulation of broadband photons via dynamically controlled Autler-Townes splitting, E. Saglamyurek, T. Hrushevskyi, A. Rastogi, K. Heshami, and L.J. LeBlanc, Nature Photonics 12, 774–782 (2018)
Dr. Daniel Oblak has done research in areas such as quantum networks and quantum memory. He runs the Quantum Cloud Lab at the University of Calgary.
Selected Publications Coming Soon.
Dr. Christoph Simon has conducted research in areas such as quantum networks, rare-earth doped ions, and diamond vacancies.
Selected Publications:
Towards a global quantum network, C. Simon, Nature Photonics 11, 678-680 (2017)
Towards long-distance quantum networks with superconducting processors and optical links, S. Kumar, N. Lauk, and C. Simon, Quantum Sci. Technol. 4, 045003 (2019)
Possible existence of optical communication channels in the brain, S. Kumar, K, Boone, J. Tuszynski, P. Barclay, and C. Simon, Sci. Repo. 36508 (2016)